How to Avoid Getting Denied for Life Insurance

Did you know Life Insurance is one of those things where if you get denied it affects you when you try to apply again?

Life insurance companies provide information to a database called the Medical Information Bureau (MIB). This information contains a lot of details about you, including your health history, prescription medications you take, and how many life insurance companies you’ve applied for coverage with. It’s a big strike against you if your report shows you have recently applied at numerous other life insurance companies and were denied coverage.

You can be turned down for being declined by another carrier, which is one reason why you shouldn't tackle the process alone. The Shields Agency can analyze your circumstances and pick the best carrier or even run a pre-approval with the carrier to double check you are a good candidate for a certain policy.

Here are a few reasons (besides health conditions) you could be denied life insurance coverage:

  • Hazardous Occupation

  • Risky Hobby

  • Criminal History

  • Financial Reasons

Don’t run the risk of unnecessary denials that could block you from other policy options. Contact us to be connected with an agent that will make sure accurate and complete information is submitted to the insurer, and you understand any conditions that could void payment of a claim.


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